Plummers Great Bear Lake Lodge - July 11-18, 2009

Published in Field Journal

And So it Begins....

To be precise, the adventure began on July 10 when six of us gathered in Edmonton in preparation for heading off to Yellowknife and then to the main lodge on Great Bear.

Together with yours truly our group consisted of Art Ross, Ken Gold, Derek Ballantyne, Rodney Harback and his nephew Kevin, which gave us a cumulative total of well over 100 years of fishing experience on Great Bear  - so there could be no excuses in the event we did not catch a truckload of big fish.


Trophy Lodge - July 12 -19, 2008

Published in Field Journal

 I have been somewhat remiss in keeping up my Great Bear Lake trip journal over the past 2 or 3 years.  What follows is my attempt to get back on track, and, create a record of the various experiences and events that take place during our annual sojourn to the land of the midnight sun.

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